Why Supplement?

What to Know About Nutritional Supplementation
Supplements for Physically Active People
Here’s the difference: Deconditioned, inactive people interested only in growing hair, skin and nails probably meet their “low metabolism” needs through food alone.
Or, at best, might consider an inexpensive daily multi-vitamin.
However, research has proven that physically active people have much higher metabolic requirements.
The amount and quality of your caloric intake, in conjunction with vitamin supplementation, is of utmost importance.
The same holds true when you begin an exercise program. You increase physical stress on your body. And, when you increase physical stress on your body, fueling it (through proper nutrition) becomes a major consideration.
Supplements accomplish two things
First, they help in the digestion and utilization of foods, thus creating “higher octane fuel” for your body.
Second, they ensure that all nutritional gaps are filled allowing your body to efficiently and effectively burn fat, build lean muscle tissue and fully adapt to increased physical stress.
These are super-premium vitamin supplements.
Only the highest quality ingredients are used such as Pancreatine 5x (digestive enzymes), polynicotinate (instead of picolinate) and whey protein instead of lower cost substitutes.
These formulations are NOT available to multi-level organizations, discount health food stores, drug stores, supermarkets or other retail venues.
Despite the marketing hype and endorsements, super premium supplements are what fitness pros, coaches and athletes actually use, themselves, for reducing body-fat, gaining lean muscle and enhancing overall fitness and athletic performance.
Consider this:
If you read the list of ingredients on a box of Betty Crocker and Duncan Hines brownies you’ll find they are almost exactly the same.
However, bake one at 500 degrees for two hours and the other at 350 for 40 minutes…. and you end up with two very different brownies.
That’s the difficulty for most consumers to understand the differences between a quality nutritional supplement and an inferior product.
The ingredients seem to be the same.
Beyond the manufacturing processes, raw materials are available in a range of different qualities -- from so called “pharmaceutical grade” to pure garbage.
To make matters worse, some companies actually create formulations that simply don’t make sense -- as the nutrients are out-of-balance – or in some cases, actually prevent or interfere with absorption of food.
Not for Every Body...
Super-premium supplements have a single focus.
That FOCUS is to provide the highest quality ingredients available for physically active people and athletes.
These super-premium nutritional products are NOT for the general consumer.
In fact, for the de-conditioned, inactive population they would be considered “over-kill.”
Manufacturing Protocol
This all natural product line was created and developed by California-based OFNP, Inc and Sportelesis, Inc., under the guidance of John E. Logsdon, a homeopathic researcher and sports nutrition expert and innovator.
Today, this unique, patented product line is overseen by Ed Lieskovan, Pharm.D., MBA, Dir. Analytical Instrument Chemistry at OFNP, Inc.; and William Register, Ph.D., N.D. Director of Technical Services at SporTelesis.
All research and development is conducted through several laboratories in S. California and at OFNP and SporTelesis.
All raw ingredient suppliers are required to supply “certificates of analysis” and are, again, re-tested for assay at an independent licensed laboratory before manufacture.
All manufacturing processes performed and conducted under the FDA’s strict GMPs (Good Manufacturing Practices) as well as adhere to FTC guidelines and our own strict protocol beyond compliance and regulations.